
The Common Man in Nigeria Economy

I walked into a grocery store and found a lady lamenting. She was lamenting over the rate at which prices of commodities skyrocket daily. She shared her experience at the market. She had gone into the market with a list of 24 items to buy. She got to the first store to buy beverages that can be prepared quickly for her kids who always leave for school very early in the morning. Morever, they need not heavy foods, but light foods by that time of the day.  The lady read out the list of beverages she needed, pulled out her purse from her underarm and took out five pieces of N1000 note which she handed over to the seller. The seller counted the money and told her that it is short by N1550. Surprised, the lady looked at the seller and asked "Why?", and she replied "The prices of these beverages have increased. They are no longer what they used to be. It's the same for every other item and service in the market. Prices skyrocket everyday". The lady wasn

Overcoming Stage Fright: Just speak!

Since childhood I have battled with stage fright. While it's easy for some other persons to just walk up in front of a people and say whatever they have in mind, it's been a struggle for me. The thought of not being able to look at the faces of my audience, of forgetting the things I'm supposed to say; the thought of messing up and hearing everyone laugh made me hate every class presentation. I had always thought of ways to escape them. Yet, I've never been able to because I am made to speak, and I never want my grades down. However, my healing process started on the 14th of February, 2016. I had gone on a christian trip where everyone was asked to make a presentation. There had been a love song on my mind to sing to Christ, moreover I really wanted to overcome my fear. So I decided to bargain with Christ. Actually, it never seemed like a bargain to me till now. So I made a prayer "Dear Lord, I want to sing a love song to you with the whole of my h